Securing Critical Raw Materials

We have mapped out the main value chains and production steps for key energy technologies. How does this impact your business?

Why critical?

Access to critical raw materials through secure supply chains is ever more important, as trade wars, political instability and conflicts worldwide disrupt normal trade. There is also a real risk of resource depletion for many of the materials.

The energy transition depends heavily on specific raw materials for the production and storage of renewable energy. Many of these materials have been deemed critical because of their importance to our economy coupled with the supply risks.

Mapping value chains

For ONS we have mapped out the main value chains and production steps for key energy technologies. We have focused on solar, wind, hydrogen and batteries, and identified the dominant actors for the critical raw materials and component suppliers.

How does this impact your business?

Dive into our fascinating map of global supply chains and joins us for discussions on how to secure the value chains, optimise our resource use and maximise our recycling efforts. Learn what steps you can take to secure and control your supply and become more self-sufficient in your local markets.

Check out the hunt for the Critical Raw Materials

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